1. partsm::canun
    Unemployment in Canada (1960.1-1987.4)
  2. partsm::canunsa
    Unemployment in Canada. (1960.1-1987.4). Seasonally Adjusted
  3. partsm::gergnp
    Real GNP in Germany (1960.1-1990.4)
  4. partsm::gergnpsa
    Real GNP in Germany (1960.1-1990.4). Seasonally Adjusted
  5. partsm::swdipc
    Real per Capita Disposable Income in Sweden (1963.1-1988.1)
  6. partsm::swndcpc
    Real per Capita non-durables Consumption in Sweden (1963.1 - 1988.1)
  7. partsm::ukcons
    United Kingdom Total Consumption (1955.1-1988.4)
  8. partsm::ukexp
    United Kindom Exports of Goods and Services (1955.1-1988.4)
  9. partsm::ukgdp
    United Kingdom Gross Domestic Product (1955.1-1988.4)
  10. partsm::ukimp
    United Kindom Imports of Goods and Services (1955.1-1988.4)
  11. partsm::ukinvest
    Real Total Investment in the United Kindom (1955.1-1988.4)
  12. partsm::ukndcons
    United Kindom non-durables Consumption (1955.1-1988.4)
  13. partsm::ukpinvest
    United Kindom Public Investment (1962.1-1988.4)
  14. partsm::ukwf
    United Kindom Workforce (1955.1-1988.4)
  15. partsm::usaipi
    Total Industrial Production Index for the United States (1960.1-1991.4)
  16. partsm::usaipisa
    Total Industrial Production Index for the United States (1960.1-1991.4). Seasonally Adjusted
  17. tsDyn::IIPUs
    US monthly industrial production from Hansen (1999)
  18. tsDyn::UsUnemp
    US unemployment series used in Caner and Hansen (2001)
  19. tsDyn::barry
    Time series of PPI used as example in Bierens and Martins (2010)
  20. tsDyn::m.unrate
    Monthly US unemployment
  21. tsDyn::setarTest_IIPUs_results
    Results from the setarTest, applied on Hansen (1999) data
  22. tsDyn::zeroyld
    zeroyld time series
  23. tsDyn::zeroyldMeta
    zeroyld time series